Step 2 - Add Users

  1. Option 1A - LDAP Sync
  2. Option 1B - Office 365
  3. Option 2 - Manual Entry
  4. Option 3 - Import CSV File
  5. Option 4 - Address Discovery - BETA

Option 1A  - LDAP Directory Sync

(Preferred for on-premise Exchange/Active Directory environments)

Advantage - Preferred method for a single point of management.  Users are pulled automatically from your local Active Directory.

  • Navigate to Domains -> Desired Domain -> User Sync
  • Scroll down to User Sources
  • Select Add 
  • Select Choose under Active Dir.


  • Define your Host (IP or hostname)
  • Select Port (389 or 636)
  • Create or use existing User DN for this search
  • Define Search base - point to the location where users/mailboxes are created locally.



NOTE:  If using SSL it MUST be a hostname in the "Host" field for a certificate to attach correctly.

The LDAP directory sync runs once every 60 minutes and will import all mail-enabled users into Mailprotector.  Additions or changes are reported on this page along with any issues connecting to your AD servers.

For more information on the LDAP Sync settings, see our LDAP Directory Sync article.


Option 2 - Manual Entry

Advantage:  For small organizations

To add new users or manage existing users


  • From the "Users" page click the “ADD USER" button found in the toolbar at the top of the page. 



  • Enter the new user and optionally the first and last name.  
  • Click the “Add User” button at the bottom of the form. 
  • Once you click the Add User button it will lead you into that user's profile. For a quick way to get back to adding more users, you can mouse over the domain or group at the top and select "Users".



Important: Make sure all valid addresses have been added to your domains user list. All other addresses are rejected at our perimeter as “Invalid recipient”.


Option 3 - Import CSV File

Advantage:  Real-time mass update to your user list.

  • Export all your current users to CSV file.  Save this file locally (to be accessed when importing to Mailprotector)
  • Click import under the "Users" tab in the console.  


  • Click Select a CSV file to upload button to find your newly exported CSV file.  




Note:  Make sure your CSV file (for import matches the format shown below.  This can also be found by selecting "need help creating your user list?" in the image above.




  • Click the file to use for import and the Import button.


Option 4 - Address Discovery (SMTP)

(Recommended for provisioning only. Not a long-term solution.)

Advantage:  Ability to add addresses on the fly.  Mailprotector will scan and attempt the delivery of a good message to the recipient's mail server.  If this server responds with a success '250', the address will be added to your Users page automatically.

Intended use:  Enabling address discovery allows you to add new domains and turn on (change MX records immediately) without the fear of interruption to an organization's mail flow due to a missed address during provisioning.  Address Discovery enables you to build this list automatically through normal email delivery.


  • All addresses added to your list will be added as billable mailboxes.  If this is an alias or resource mailbox, you will need to modify this in the Mailprotector user list.
  • By default, Exchange edge servers will respond with a success '250' response for all addresses.

Here are some articles that talk about how to change this behavior with Office 365 and Exchange:

Exchange Server 2016 

Exchange Online (O365)



Note:  Please read the description for Address Discovery either in the image above or in the console for full information.

Step 3: Confirm inbound SMTP address »



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