Step 3 - Confirm Inbound Mail Destination Host

Click through to the domain you desire to configure on your Mailprotector Management Console and select the "Mail Flow" tab: Domains > domain > Mail Flow > scroll down to Inbound mail flow


IMPORTANT: Before proceeding, please ensure that you have allowed all Mailprotector IP addresses through your firewall.  You can find a complete list of them here.

NOTE: For multiple, failover, or load balanced IP's or hosts, please turn on the Use multiple mail destinations option. This is most often used for G Suite domains. After you make these adjustments, if they apply to all users, select the "Apply to All" option below the field. >>>mceclip4.png

WARNING: If you are using only one inbound mail destination host address, do not use the "Use multiple mail destinations" option. This can cause an unnecessary loss in visibility into your mail flow.

IF USING OFFICE 365: The Inbound SMTP Host Address will be the MX record specified in the Office 365 Domain Setup. You can confirm the correct address by following the Cheat Sheet article.

IF USING G SUITE: The Inbound SMTP Host Address will be This will be sufficient to deliver an email to your G Suite domain. If you'd like to enter all five MX records, please use the "Use multiple mail destinations" option listed in the above note.

Once your users (email addresses) are all added, and the Inbound mail destination host is configured, you're ready to change your DNS/MX records to point to Mailprotector.  You can now click the link at the bottom of the page to continue to step 4.

(Optional) Outbound SMTP Settings: If you plan to relay outbound email from your organization through Mailprotector, you will need to configure your mail server to relay through Mailprotector's outbound system. To do so, you may need to define an Outbound SMTP IP address and configure your email server to relay via an SMTP connector. See link below for details.

See instructions here: Outbound scanning/filtering setup.


« Step 2: Adding users | Step 4: Changing your DNS/MX Records »


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