The Heads-up Display (HUD) is a dynamic banner at the top of each message delivered through Shield. It shows whether the message is good or bad based on trust and risk levels. If those levels change after receiving the message, the HUD will update to reflect the new trust and risk information.
The HUD Banner
The HUD shows insights into the message that factor into the risk level. Hovering over the HUD with a pointing device will display its alternate text, and explains the risk level in writing for those who have images disabled or use a screen reader. Clicking on the HUD launches the X-ray link for the message, showing all insights and their descriptions. If a message has no risk it will instead provide information about being Trusted or Silenced for delivery to its specified location.
If the sender's trust decision has not yet been made, a New Sender HUD will display.
The HUD can be enabled or disabled in messages depending on the user's preference.
The HUD Glossary
A glossary of the insights provided on the Heads-up Display is available in Shield.
Toggle the HUD On or Off
If a user prefers not to see the Heads-up Display in their messages, partners can visit the user's profile page and adjust the HUD setting.
End users are not permitted to adjust this setting, they must request the change.
Getting Help
If you need assistance with the Heads-up Display, please contact the Partner Success team.
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