The New Sender experience allows Shield users to decide whether to Trust or Silence a new sender directly from their Inbox or Shield Portal.
The New Sender Experience
Messages from new senders are delivered to the Inbox. If Focused Inbox is enabled, these messages will appear in the Other tab of the Inbox. A banner at the top of the message will appear until a trust decision has been made. The Shield user can Trust to Inbox or Bundled, Silence to Junk, Archive, Trash (Deleted Items), or directly to Jail in the Shield Portal.
If a trust decision is not made for the new sender, they will be offered for review in the Email Security Briefing.
The Bundled folder is used by Shield Pro: Bundler.
Toggle the New Sender Banner On or Off
If a user prefers not to see the New Sender Banner in their messages, partners can visit the user's profile page and adjust the New Sender Banner setting.
End users are not permitted to adjust this setting, they must request the change.
Getting Help
If you need assistance with the Heads-up Display, please contact the Partner Success team.
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