

Spotlight aims to solve the common “I was expecting an email, and I can’t find it” problem. It is designed to be the one place where users and admins can find ‘missing’ messages. Spotlight delivers email discoverability between the edge and the mailbox.

It provides a power user mode that allows users to search for very specific criteria, such as from this person, three days ago, at this time. It also offers easy-to-use templates for common search scenarios called search recipes. For example, Search and Rescue gives the users two simple prompts: who sent the missing email, and when did you expect to get it?

Spotlight also works in the same manner inside Control, providing administrators with powerful search capabilities for managed organizations and individual users.

How to Use Spotlight

Shield Users

From the Shield Portal page, click on Spotlight. Perform searches as outlined below.

Shield Admins

From the Shield Control page, open the Organization where you need to perform the search. Click on Spotlight. Choose the criteria needed for the search.

Spotlight at Organization Level.png

Available criteria are:

From Search the From line of the message, including all Trusted or Untrusted senders. Please note: it does not search the Sender line.
To Search the To line of the message.
Cc Search the Cc line of the message. Please note: it does not search the Bcc line.
Subject Search partial or full matches on the subject line.
Body Search partial or full matches from the body of the message.
Has Search for attachments, documents, images, PDFs, or links.
In Search the Shield User's Inbox, Bundled, Archive, Junk, or Trash folders.
Is Search for Read, Unread, or Locked messages.
After Search for messages received or sent after yesterday or a specific date.
Before Search for messages received or sent before today or a specific date.
Last Search for timeframes such as 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, 2 days, 2 weeks, 2 months, and so on.

If no criteria are selected, the newest mail to the organization and sent by the organization will appear in the Spotlight Search. All searches performed will search the entire organization.

Search recipes are offered above the Search bar:

  • Search & Rescue: Quickly search on both Who sent the email? and When did you expect it?
  • Recently Sent: This works best for Shield Users, as it prepopulates the Shield Admin (me) and the last 14 days for the organization.
  • Recently Held in Jail: This shows messages located in Jail over the last 14 days for all users of the organization.
  • Trusted in Jail: The From: Trusted and In: Jail settings allow you to easily see messages from trusted senders that Shield determined were unsafe to deliver.
  • Trusted in Junk: The From: Trusted and In: Junk settings combine to show messages from trusted senders with Insight risk levels that determined the message should go to Junk.

To search Spotlight for an individual user at the Organization level, do one of the following: Click on View Users from the Shield Control page, search for the specific user, then perform the Spotlight search for that user. Or, enter the user in the To, Cc, or From fields of the Spotlight search at the Organization level.

Getting Help

If you need assistance with Spotlight, please contact the Partner Success team.

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