Step 1 - Add the Customer and Domain


Provisioning a domain in the Mailprotector Console is a simple process. The setup consists of adding users or addresses to the created domain in the Console, confirming the connection to your destination email host, and changing the MX records of the domain to begin delivery of email to Mailprotector's CloudFilter solution.

The implementation process is designed to be relatively easy, but as with any new tool, there will be additional features and configurations that you will learn about and decide to apply based on your or your clients' individual needs.

Applies to:

Console, CloudFilter


Before beginning to provision a domain in the Console, you should have:

  • A Mailprotector Console manager account with administrator or technical role
  • Administrative access to the firewall (if applicable)
  • Administrative access to the email server or hosted email admin center
  • Administrative access to change the domain's public DNS records
  • The hostname or IP address of the email server or hosted destination

As you follow the documentation, you will find links to Configuration Guidesicon-ext-url.png that will help you determine some of the information required to complete the setup process. If the guides do not apply to your situation or you have additional questions, please open a request with Partner Success.


The three-steps are described in more detail, individually, in the Getting Startedicon-ext-url.png section of the knowledge base.

NOTE: The information presented is covered during the initial New Partner Introduction call. If you are a new employee or have taken over the administration of the Mailprotector solution for your organization, you may request a training call with the Partner Success team.


Before you begin the first step, you will need to add a domain to the Console. You will start on the Dashboard of your reseller account. You can add a domain by clicking one of three links to take you to the domains list as shown in Figure 1.

Fig. 1


Viewing the domains list, which may have other domains already listed or be blank, click on the Add Domain button to add the domain you will provision, as shown in Figure 2.

Fig. 2


Enter or choose a customer name and enter the domain name in the textbox.

Select the Hosting platform that applies to the domain. The default Email Server is for destinations other than Office 365 and G Suite. Your completed form should look similar to Figure 3. The example figure also has Bracket encryption turned on, which is not a requirement.

BEST PRACTICE: If your destination email host is Office 365 or G Suite, please select the appropriate Hosting option. Setting this correctly may provide additional integration options in the future to make administration quicker and easier.

Fig. 3


After creating the domain, you will be presented with domain verification as shown in Figure 4. It is recommended you add the TXT record to the domain's DNS settings, but do not verify the domain at this time.

BEST PRACTICE: New domains are added in a Pending state, as shown by the orange notification in the upper-right of the Console. A pending domain provides time to configure the users and mail flow settings without risk of email disruption. After the users and mail flow are configured, then domain verification is recommended.

Fig. 4

Configuration Steps

Follow the steps by moving through the detailed instructions for:

When complete, the domain will be protected by Mailprotector's CloudFilter solution and be ready for additional services such as XtraMail email continuity, SecureStore email archiving, and Bracket email encryption.



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