Allow KnowBe4 Phishing Simulation Emails


An excellent way to educate end-users about phishing and email security threats is through the use of phishing simulation emails. KnowBe4 is a popular service used by partners for this purpose.

KnowBe4 provides documentation for whitelisting their simulation emails to make sure the simulation emails are delivered to end-users' Inboxes.

Applies To:


Mailprotector is KnowBe4 Ready

Mailprotector is a proponent of consistent, measurable end-user education as part of a complete security strategy. KnowBe4 is an excellent option for educating users about phishing and email security best practices.

KnowBe4 recommends adding IP addresses and header whitelisting as part of their setup. No configuration is needed with Mailprotector's CloudFilter. Mailprotector globally recognizes the KnowBe4 IP addresses and we perform a secondary check of the header information to ensure we are delivering a simulation email.

Preparing Your Destination Email Server

You may need to perform some adjustments to your destination email server. For example, Office 365 will accept the messages from Mailprotector's transport servers but may perform its own security analysis, sending the message to a user's Junk Email folder.

To avoid this situation, please follow KnowBe4 documentation to prepare your destination email host appropriately. If you have questions, please contact KnowBe4 support.



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