VIP Pass is a feature of Shield Pro. It is an email address that you share with people you trust who aren't yet in your Trust Network. Anyone who emails you at this address will be trusted for immediate delivery without you needing to Trust the Sender.
How to Use VIP Pass
Viewing Your VIP Pass
From the Shield Portal page, click on VIP Pass. The automatically generated VIP Pass address is displayed. You can copy the address or Edit the VIP Pass.
From the Edit page, you can customize the address's Username or Domain. Click Save to change your VIP address.
Note that only one VIP address is valid at any given time. Also, if the Sender's message is detected to have a Low, Moderate, or High Risk level, it will be delivered to a location based on your risk level settings. Learn more about risk levels here.
Getting Help
If you need assistance with VIP Pass, please contact the Partner Success team.
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