Blank DNS records such as DKIM, SPF, or MX result from a domain not being mail-enabled in M365. When you set the domain up, you will see this present in Shield as a blank section or missing domain.
Fig. 1
Shield requires all domains within M365 to be mail-enabled and provisioned. If the domain isn't in a "Healthy" status, as shown in Figure 3, Shield will require you to either remove that domain from the tenant or finish setting it up.
To find your domains, navigate to the Microsoft Admin Center at Once in the Admin Center, you will go to the SETTINGS and select DOMAINS.
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
The domain will either show "Incomplete Setup" or "No Services Selected." Please follow the directions below based on the status provided.
Domain Shows "Incomplete Setup"
If the domain shows "Incomplete Setup," as shown in Figure 4, then you will need to select the domain and either select "Remove domain" if you want to delete the domain or select "Start setup" if you need the domain as shown in Figure 5.
Fig. 4
Fig. 5
If you have selected "Start setup," you must first Verify Your Domain per the setup instructions.
Fig. 6
After you have verified your domain, you will choose how to connect your domain. Since Shield is being added to the domain, you can select "more options" and "Add your own DNS records"
Fig. 7
Fig. 8
On the next screen, you will ensure that EOP (Exchange Online Protection) is selected and choose CONTINUE at the bottom of the page.
Fig. 9
At this point, you have completed the domain setup and can finish configuring Shield.
Domain Shows "No Services Selected"
If your domain shows "No Services Selected," as shown in Figure 10, then you will select the domain to finish the setup of the domain.
To finish the setup of the domain, please follow the steps below
Fig. 10
Step 1
Select the domain and choose "DNS RECORDS" at the top as shown in Figure 11.
Fig. 11
Step 2
Select "MANAGE DNS" in the bottom left of the screen that loads.
Fig. 12
Step 3
Select "More options."
Fig. 13
Step 4
Select "Add your own DNS records" and "CONTINUE" at the bottom of the page.
Fig. 14
Step 5
Ensure EOP (Exchange Online Protection) is selected and choose "CONTINUE" at the bottom of the page.
You can now select "Done" at the bottom of the page and continue setting up Shield.