Configure the ConnectWise Manage Integration


This article will guide you through the process of enabling the ConnectWise integration for your account. There are two steps - creating and mapping the connection to your ConnectWise instance and then assigning the appropriate agreement for each customer.

The ConnectWise Manage integration provides a nightly update of service quantities for the mapped services to the customers' agreements you assign.

NOTE: Mapping a service to a product will update the quantity of the products only. Mailprotector's integration does not send any cost or price information.

IMPORTANT: If you are selling Bracket (which includes CloudFilter and SafeSend) as a bundle, the integration is not aware of bundle pricing. You will have three separate line items in the agreement with a cost and price for each. If you have more questions, please contact your Account Manager or the Mailprotector Support team

Applies to:

ConnectWise Manage

Configuration Steps

Prepare ConnectWise Security Role and API Member

Begin by configuring a Security Role and API Member in ConnectWise Manage to obtain the required REST API keys. The configuration limits access to ConnectWise for security purposes.

  1.  Log into ConnectWise Manage with an administrator account and navigate to System > Security Roles.
    1. Click the plus icon (+) to create a new role.
    2. Enter a name for the new security role (e.g. Mailprotector Integration), and click the Save icon.
    3. On the Security Modules screen, expand the Companies, Finance, and Procurement sections.
    4. In all three sections, modify the levels per the tables below. The tables show only the rows that need to be edited.
      Companies Add Level Edit Level Delete Level Inquire Level
      Company Maintenance None None None All
      Contacts None None None All

      Finance Add Level Edit Level Delete Level Inquire Level
      Agreements All All None All

      Procurement Add Level Edit Level Delete Level Inquire Level
      Product Catalog None None None All
      Products None None None All
    5. Once the permissions are set per the tables above, click the Save and Close icon.

  2. Navigate to System > Members > API Members, then click the plus icon (+).
  3. On the Detail screen, complete the following information:
    1. Member ID - Enter a username up to 15 characters in length (e.g. - mpapi)
    2. Time Zone - Choose the appropriate time zone for your company
    3. Member Name - Enter a descriptive name for the user (e.g. - Mailprotector API)
    4. Role ID - Select the Security Role created in the steps above (e.g. - Mailprotector Integration)
    5. Remaining required System fields - select the Level, Location, Business Unit, etc. fields appropriate to your organization's configuration
      NOTE: For more information on the setup of the System fields, please refer to the ConnectWise documentation
    6. In the top menu bar, click the Save icon
  4. Click the API Keys tab and then the plus icon (+)

  5. Enter a Description for the keys (e.g. - Mailprotector Keys) and click the Save icon2021-08-13_15-12-41.png

    IMPORTANT: Once you save, the keys will be generated. Keep the private key in a safe location because it will never be visible again, after closing the window.

  6. Note the Public and Private keys in the previous step for use in the Mailprotector Console

Enable the Integration on Mailprotector

  1. From the Mailprotector Console, navigate to the Integrations tab on your Reseller account, as shown in Figure 1.

    Fig. 1
  2. Scroll down to the ConnectWise Settings section to enter your Company ID,  and Public and Private Keys created in the previous steps above.

    Fig. 2

  3. Click the Update button to save the settings.

Map the Products

  1. Scroll down to the Service Assignments section to map the Mailprotector Products as needed.

    NOTE: If you create a mapping by mistake and want to remove it, choose Not Assigned

    IMPORTANT: The Exchange+ Basic, Advanced, and Premium products are deprecated and should not be mapped to any products. These items are listed for backward compatibility with partners still providing the older products.

    Once you are finished mapping the services to your products, your screen should look similar to Figure 4.

    Fig. 4

Assign ConnectWise Agreement to Each Customer

  1. The final step is to assign the appropriate agreement to each customer you want to be connected to the integration. Start by navigating to the Customer's Integrations tab as shown in Figure 5.

    Fig. 5

  2. In the Company and Agreement section, select the appropriate Company and Agreement you have configured in ConnectWise for Mailprotector services. Your settings should look similar to Figure 6. Once the agreement has been selected, the integration for this customer is complete.

    IMPORTANT: The integration process runs once per night, checking for differences in the quantity of mapped services to products in the agreement. You will not see an update to the agreement until the next day.

    Fig. 6

  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for every customer you want the integration to connect and update.

The next day, after the integration has run for the first time, you should find updated products in the Additions tab of the Agreement.

If you have more questions or need additional assistance, please open a ticket with Mailprotector Support.



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