Invalid Mailprotector Sender/Recipient

Mailprotector Email Address Verification and Invalid Sender / Recipient errors.


Mailprotector Verifies All Registered Addresses

Mailprotector will verify both the sending and receiving addresses for any mail sent through it's systems to/from Mailprotector listed domains:

  • If mail is being sent from a Mailprotector listed domain to a non-listed domain, Mailprotector will verify the sending address.
  • if mail is being sent from a non-listed domain to a Mailprotector listed domain, Mailprotector will verify the receiving address.
  • If mail is being sent from a Mailprotector listed domain to another Mailprotector listed domain, Mailprotector will verify both the sending and receiving addresses.


Incoming mail bouncing with an "Invalid Mailprotector Recipient" error

This error indicates that the address you are attempting to send to is not recognized as a valid user by Mailprotector. In order to receive mail at a Mailprotector listed domain, the user(s) must be listed in the Mailprotector Console. If the user you are attempting to send to is on your domain please be sure their user account is listed properly under Domain / Users in the Console.


Fig 1: Example of an Invalid Mailprotector Recipient error message.


Outgoing mail bouncing with an "Invalid Mailprotector Sender" error 

This error indicates that the address you are attempting to send from is not recognized as a valid user by Mailprotector. In order to send mail via Mailprotector’s Outbound Relay, the user(s) must be listed in the Mailprotector Console.

As well, Mailprotector checks the sending address on all messages sent from a Mailprotector domain to another Mailprotector domain, even if SafeSend / Outbound Relay is not in use.
Please be sure that the sending address is listed in your Mailprotector account under Domain | Users in the Console.



Additional Information

If you have any additional questions please do not hesitate to reach out to our technical support team at either +1 (800) 393 4840 Or by using the "Submit a Request" link below.


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