About MX Records
A mail exchange (MX) record identifies a server that handles email messages for your domain. A domain has one or more MX records listed in priorty order. When someone sends an email message to your domain, the sender's mail server delivers it to the first available server in the priority list. You create new MX records, or change their priority, in order to change how email is processed for the domain.
You create MX records using the administration tools available from your domain provider.
Create MX records for a domain hosted by 1and1
- Log in to your account at https://admin.1and1.com.
- If it's not already selected, click the Administration tab.
- Under Basic Settings, click Domains.
- Select the check box next to the domain that you will be using with Google Apps.
- From the DNS drop-down menu, select Edit DNS Settings.
- Under Advanced DNS Settings, select the Other mail server radio button.
- Delete any existing MX records.
- Enter the following information:
1&1 Header Mail Server Priority MX 1 / Prio yourdomain.com.us.emailservice.io. 10 MX 2 / Prio (Optional) yourdomain.com.us.emailservice.cc. 20 MX 3 / Prio (Optional) yourdomain.com.us.emailservice.co. 30 For each MX record, make sure to:
- Enter the corresponding priority in the 1&1 Header.
- Enter the fully qualified server name of the email server (i.e. yourdomain.com.inbound10.mailprotector.net) in the Mail Server field.
- Enter the corresponding Priority.
- Click OK.
Congratulations! Your new MX records now point to Mailprotector. Keep in mind that changes to your DNS settings can take up to 24 hours to propagate through the Internet, but depending on your host, this can happen faster.
If you have difficulty creating MX records, contact 1and1 for assistance.