Create and Manage Message Rules


This article will cover how to create and manage Message Rules within the Console. Message Rules provide several options, including inbound whitelisting of IPs, enforced TLS encryption, content restrictions, pattern identification, etc.

This article will cover:

  • Creating a New Message Rule
  • Editing Existing Message Rules

Creating a New Message Rule

To create a new Message Rule, you should:

  1. Log into the Mailprotector console at
  2. Navigate to the "Filtering" tab at either the Reseller, Customer, Domain, Group, or User level depending on who you'd like the rule to apply to
  3. Under "Message Rule" input a name, mail direction (inbound or outbound) and if a template should be used.

  4. Input the Criteria you'd like to match on with the Message Rule

    NOTE: These are "contain" rules, so if you just put the letter "A," for example, it will check the field for the letter A. If the field you specified has the letter "A" anywhere in it, it will take the Action you've chosen.

  5. Input the Action you'd like to take (descriptions listed under each option)

  6. The "Options" tab will allow you to adjust the mail flow direction and the name of the rule.
  7. Once you've finished creating the rule, you can select the back arrow in the top left-hand corner to finish creating the rule.

  8. The rule may appear disabled or enabled depending on what the system determines. If you'd like it to be enabled, select the button on the right to turn it on.

Editing Current Rules

You can delete, modify, disable, and enable existing rules in the Console. The rules higher on the list will also take priority over the ones lower on the list.

Delete a Rule

  1. Navigate to the Mailprotector console at
  2. Go to the "Filtering" tab for the Reseller, Customer, Domain, Group, or User you'd like to edit
  3. Next to the Message Rules, select "View"

  4. Mouse over the rule you'd like to remove and select the trash can icon.

Modify a Rule

  1. Navigate to the Mailprotector console at
  2. Go to the "Filtering" tab for the Reseller, Customer, Domain, Group, or User you'd like to edit
  3. Next to the Message Rules, select "View"
  4. Select the name of the rule you'd like to edit

Enable or Disable a Rule

  1. Navigate to the Mailprotector console at
  2. Go to the "Filtering" tab for the Reseller, Customer, Domain, Group, or User you'd like to edit
  3. Next to the Message Rules, select "View"
  4. Select the slider on the right-hand side of the rule to turn it off or on


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