Google Mail Routes - Summary


To use Mailprotector solutions with Google G Suite domains, hosts and email routes need to be configured to establish the secure connection between the two services. Detailed configuration instructions are provided in the linked knowledge base articles below.

Applies to:

Google G Suite Basic, Business, Enterprise

IMPORTANT: If the domain you are working with is on a free, legacy Google Apps domain, you will not be able to use Mailprotector solutions. Free Google Apps domains do not provide the necessary email route configuration options to implement the correct email flow. In this situation, we recommend a conversation with your client explaining the benefits of a G Suite or Office 365 email solution.


Before beginning the configuration of the G Suite mail routes, the Mailprotector Console should have the domain, inbound SMTP host address and users configured to ensure the Mailprotector solution is ready to scan and protect the domain.

If the domain and users are not configured in the Mailprotector Console, please start with Step 2: Add Users.

You should also have access to the domain's public DNS zone. Changing the MX record is a required step to provisioning Mailprotector. The MX record should be modified before configuring the inbound mail route on G Suite. View Step 3: Change the DNS MX Records for more information.

Configuring the Mail Routes

Inbound Mail Route

The inbound mail route restricts email delivery to Mailprotector's IP addresses. The mail route prevents spammers from using the Google Gmail host addresses directly and bypassing Mailprotector's filters.

Read the G Suite - Inbound Mail Route knowledge base article for detailed configuration instructions.

Outbound Mail Route

The outbound mail routes direct email from G Suite through Mailprotector's outbound relay. The relay protects the domain from sending spam if an account is compromised and allows for additional Mailprotector solutions to be applied, such as SecureStore archiving and Bracket email encryption.

G Suite provides the option to create a mail route for internal sending that allows messages between users in the same domain to encrypt messages or capture to an archive without the need for a third party journaling configuration only offered in the Enterprise plan.

Read the G Suite - Outbound Mail Routes knowledge base article for detailed configuration instructions.


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