Trust Network Decisions


Shield is a zero-trust email security solution. Each Shield user has their own individual network of trusted senders that begins building on day one. Over time, users can add more trusted senders to their Trust Network and customize Risk Levels per sender.

Mailbox Interactions

Dragging a message from the Inbox folder to these folders results in the following Trust Network delivery actions:


To Trust Decision Delivery Action
Inbox Trust Continue delivering messages from the sender to the Inbox
Junk Silence Continue receiving messages from the sender to the Junk folder
Archive Silence Continue receiving the sender to the Archive folder
Deleted Items Silence Continue receiving the sender to the Deleted Items folder (designated as Trash on the Trust Decision page)
Bundled Trust Bundle messages from the sender with other bundled messages; remind the user to check the Bundled folder at set intervals

If Focused Inbox is enabled in Outlook the Inbox will be divided into Focused and Other tabs. Note that dragging a message from Other to Focused results in a Trust of the sender and messages from that sender will then continue delivering to the Focused tab. Dragging from Focused to Other will not alter the trust decision.

Selecting Permanently Delete from the Edit menu or holding the Shift and Delete keys while a message from the Junk Email folder is selected tells Shield to move it to Jail in the Shield Portal. No further messages from the sender are delivered to the mail client; they are Silenced directly to Jail.

The Bundled folder is available to Shield Pro: Bundler users. 

Decisions may also be made via New Sender banners and Email Security Briefings.

Shield Portal Interactions

Choosing the following actions from within the Shield portal results in the following Trust Network delivery actions:

Trust Decision Delivery Selection Delivery Action
Trust Deliver Immediately Continue delivering messages from the sender to the Inbox
Trust Bundle Bundle messages from the sender with other bundled messages; remind the user to check the Bundled folder at set intervals
Silence Send to Junk Continue receiving messages from the sender to the Junk folder
Silence Send to Jail Move the message to Jail in the Portal; no further messages from the sender are delivered to the mail client; they go directly to Jail in the Portal
Silence Send to Trash Continue receiving the sender to the Deleted Items folder (designated as Trash on the Trust Decision page)
Silence Send to Archived Continue receiving the sender to the Archive folder

The Bundle option is available to Shield Pro: Bundler users. 

Because Shield factors in the trust of the sender as well as insights into the individual message, the Trust Network cannot override moderate or high risk level message delivery. 

Getting Help

If you need assistance with the Shield Trust Network, please contact the Partner Success team.

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