First-Time Sender Review


Shield sends a First-Time Sender Review (FTSR) message to highlight senders that Shield does not yet know whether to deliver to the Inbox (Trust) or deliver to another location to reduce Inbox noise (Silence). Once you receive the message, you can continue the process in your mail client or within the Shield portal.

The First-Time Sender Review Message

The message is delivered to the Inbox of the mail client and informs the recipient of how many senders have not yet been Trusted or Silenced (Figure 1).

Fig. 1


Review First-Time Senders in a Mail Client

Actions performed within the Review folder inform Shield if a new sender should be Trusted or Silenced (Figure 2). Refer to Figure 7 below for actions taken on a Trusted or Silenced sender based on the folder the messages are moved to.

Fig. 2


Review First-Time Senders in the Shield Portal

Clicking the Open Shield button in the message opens the Shield portal. Choices for Trust (Figure 4) or Silence (Figure 5) are made here. Clicking Clear removes all offered First-time Senders, and any future messages from those senders will again be added to the First-time Sender Review (Figure 6).

Fig. 4

Screenshot 2024-11-22 at 08.31.41.png

Fig. 5


Fig. 6

Screenshot 2024-11-22 at 08.44.32.png

If Trust is clicked without choosing a delivery action, it defaults to Deliver Immediately. If Silenced is clicked without choosing a delivery action, it defaults to Deliver to Junk.

Refer to Figure 8 below for actions taken on a Trusted or Silenced sender based on the selections made for the sender.

Trust Network Decisions

Dragging a message from the Review folder to these folders results in the following Trust Network delivery actions:

Fig. 7

Folder Trust Decision Delivery Action
Inbox Trust Continue delivering messages from the sender to the Inbox
Bundled Trust Bundle messages from the sender with other bundled messages; remind the user to check the Bundled folder at set intervals
Junk Silence Continue receiving messages from the sender to the Junk folder
Jail Silence Move the message to Jail in the portal; no further messages from the sender are delivered to the mail client; they go directly to Jail in the portal
Archive Silence Continue receiving the sender to the Archive folder
Deleted Items Silence Continue receiving the sender to the Deleted Items folder (designated as Trash on the Trust Decision page)


Choosing the following actions from within the Shield portal results in the following Trust Network delivery actions:

Fig. 8

Trust Decision Delivery Selection Delivery Action
Trust Deliver Immediately Continue delivering messages from the sender to the Inbox
Trust Bundle Bundle messages from the sender with other bundled messages; remind the user to check the Bundled folder at set intervals
Silence Send to Junk Continue receiving messages from the sender to the Junk folder
Silence Send to Jail Move the message to Jail in the portal; no further messages from the sender are delivered to the mail client; they go directly to Jail in the portal
Silence Send to Trash Continue receiving the sender to the Deleted Items folder (designated as Trash on the Trust Decision page)
Silence Send to Archived Continue receiving the sender to the Archive folder


Delivery of First-Time Sender Review Messages

First-Time Sender Review messages are scheduled to be delivered each hour of each day and are not configurable. The messages are viewable via Microsoft Exchange Admin Center's message trace by searching for Sender:

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