Step 4 - Modify the DNS MX records

After completing Step 2: Adding users and Step 3: Confirming your Inbound Mail address, you can make the following DNS MX record changes to get your Mailprotector email security service up and running:

IMPORTANT: Before making these DNS changes, please ensure that you have allowed Mailprotector's IP addresses through your firewall.  You can find the complete list of IP addresses here.  We also recommend you confirm that we can connect to your mail server from our datacenters, after making that change.

IF USING OFFICE 365: It is recommended you configure the inbound connector to establish secure mail flow between Office 365 and Mailprotector. Add the connector 2 to 24 hours after changing the MX record. Waiting prevents emails from bouncing during DNS propagation. Detailed information starts with the Office 365 Connectors Summary article.

IF USING G SUITE: It is recommended you configure the inbound mail route to establish secure mail flow between the G Suite domain and Mailprotector. Configure the mail route immediately after changing the MX record. G Suite mail routes function differently than Office 365 connectors, which is why there is no recommended wait time. Detailed information starts with the G Suite Mail Routes Summary article.

DNS MX Record Changes

  • Delete all current MX records - this will help prevent spammers from getting around Mailprotector's filtering
  • Enter new MX record(s):
    Priority 10
    (Optional) Priority 20
    (Optional) Priority 30

    yourdomain-tld = The domain you are setting up.
    Example: For domain name
    10 MX

    ** Similar to Office 365's single MX record, Mailprotector's systems are designed with redundancy and load balancing. Only the first MX record is required. The two additional MX records are not required. All three records point to the same infrastructure.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Can I keep my old MX record in there as a backup or lower priority record than Mailprotector's MX record?

Answer: While technically there are no problems with this configuration, you will be leaving direct access to your mail server open. It is common for spammers to deliver to backup/alternate MX records to bypass security and other filters. We also advise that after your MX records have fully propagated, you restrict SMTP traffic to only accept from Mailprotector IP addresses. This will guarantee all email is scanned by Mailprotector systems.

Question: Will I lose email if I change my MX records?

Answer: No. An email will still be delivered to your current server while the MX record change propagates across the Internet's name servers. During DNS propagation, you may see emails delivered to both the old MX records and Mailprotector while the internet "learns" the new place to send emails.

Question: Is there a way to speed up MX record change propagation?

Answer: Possibly. If your DNS zone host provider allows you to change the time to live (TTL) setting for your records, set it to between 60 and 300 seconds about a day or two before you plan on changing the MX record. The TTL will tell the Internet's name servers to check for an update of the record more frequently, so when you are ready to make the change, the new MX record will propagate faster.

« Step 3: Confirm inbound SMTP address


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